

Profiles of Yoko Kawai & Takaya Kurimoto

Yoko Kawai (Principal)
Ph.D, Intl Assoc. AIA
First Class Registered Architect in Japan

Yoko Kawai’s mission is to create “space for well-being” by utilizing Japanese spatial concepts. By being rooted in the ephemeral relationship between space/nature and human beings, these concepts potentially contribute to healthy minds and bodies of people worldwide. She advocates this value of Japanese concepts through research, education, and practice.

Yoko is principal of Penguin Environmental Design in Connecticut. The firm focuses on incorporating landscape into architecture. Its recent works include a residential project that received CTC&G Award in 2015.In 2016, Yoko co-founded Mirai Work Space Alliance in New York. There, she and her colleagues bring “Space for Well-Being” to contemporary workplaces.

Yoko has been Lecturer at the Yale School of Architecture since 2010. Her research encompasses Japanese spatial concepts, space for well-being, and the influence of ICT on cities & architecture. Her current research focuses on developing tools for spatial interventions to increase mindfulness at work. She serves as an advisor to International Well Building Institute Research Advisory. Her publication includes “Choose, Create, and Connect: How Telework is Changing Space Around Us” (in Japanese) in Residential and Community Spaces in the Future (これからの住まいとまち), Asakawa-shoten, Tokyo, 2014.

Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban Planning, Kobe University, Japan
Master of Architecture in Urban Design, Harvard University
Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, Kyoto University, Japan

Takaya Kurimoto (Principal Landscape Architect)
Registered Landscape Architect, ASLA

Takaya explores the ways in which Japanese gardens contribute to and become a part of the modern world. He designs residential and small-scale landscape and also works on urban design projects. One of his recent projects was a set of stone gardens for the “Tea Culture of Japan” exhibition held at the Yale Art Gallery in 2009. He started off studying the philosophy and history of Japanese gardens very early in his career at Kyoto University, Japan. He also taught the Eastern Asian landscape at Yale University as a lecturer.

Before joining PED, he was a landscape architect for Towers|Golde and worked on university and commercial projects for nine years. His major works there include the Yale University Pierson & Davenport College Courtyard Renovations (the CT chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award).

Prior to that, he designed landscape for commercial buildings and worked on many community-scale projects at Konoike Construction Co., ltd. in Japan. There, he was a part of the winning design team for the Merit Award in the Okhotsk Townscape Design Competition, and as well as the team that won the JILA Award given for the NTT-CRED Motomachi Area Redevelopments.

Master of Landscape Architecture, Cornell University
Bachelor of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan


河井 容子 (建築担当代表) 一級建築士、学術博士

神戸大学工学部 博士課程修了 (建築・都市計画分野)
ハーバード大学デザイン系大学院 建築学修士 (都市デザイン専攻)
京都大学工学部 建築系学科卒業 (都市景観・居住環境研究室)

1987 – 2000  ㈱鴻池組大阪本店設計部勤務
1992        アグレスト & ガンデルゾナス 事務所勤務
1995 – 2000 平安女子大学、同志社女子大学、摂南大学 非常勤講師
2001 ~      ペンギン・エンヴァイロンメンタル・デザイン 建築担当代表
2008 – 2009 ニューヨーク工科大学特任助教授
2010 ~      イェール大学講師
2016                Mirai Work Place Alliance 共同設立
2021~         IWBI (WEL認証機関)リサーチアドバイザー




栗本貴哉 (ランドスケープ担当代表)
ランドスケープアーキテクト (米国コネチカット州公認1016号)

コーネル大学大学院 ランドスケープアーキテクチャー学修士
京都大学農学部 林学科卒業(造園学研究室)

1990 – 1999     ㈱鴻池組本社勤務
1999 – 2008    タワーズ・ゴールディー事務所(コネチカット州)勤務
2008 ~           ペンギン・エンヴァイロンメンタル・デザイン ランドスケープ担当代表
2011        イェール大学講師(東アジア風景論)
2016                Mirai Work Place Alliance 共同設立


タワーズ・ゴールディにおいては、大学キャンパス、商業施設外構などをデザインし、担当作品にイェール大学ピアソン・ダヴェンポート・カレッジ (コネチカット州ランドスケープアーキテクト協会栄誉賞)、ホッチキススクール寄宿舎(米国グリーンビルディングカウンシル認定プロジェクト)、韓国ソンドー市開発第125区マスタープラン など。 鴻池組での、主な担当作品に、 オホーツクまちづくりデザインコンペ (優秀賞)、 NTTクレド元町再開発 (日本造園学会賞)。



Download the PDF version of our Capability Statement here:



56 Lynmoor Place, Hamden, CT 06517
Ph. (203) 407-1848

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Profiles of Yoko Kawai & Takaya Kurimoto

Yoko Kawai (Principal)
Ph.D, Intl Assoc.AIA
First Class Registered Architect in Japan

Yoko Kawai’s mission is to create “space for well-being” by utilizing Japanese spatial concepts. By being rooted in the ephemeral relationship between space/nature and human beings, these concepts potentially contribute to healthy minds and bodies of people worldwide. She advocates this value of Japanese concepts through research, education, and practice.

Yoko is principal of Penguin Environmental Design in Connecticut. The firm focuses on incorporating landscape into architecture. Its recent works include a residential project that received CTC&G Award in 2015.In 2016, Yoko co-founded Mirai Work Space Alliance in New York. There, she and her colleagues bring “Space for Well-Being” to contemporary workplaces.

Yoko has been Lecturer at the Yale School of Architecture since 2010. Her research encompasses Japanese spatial concepts, space for well-being, and the influence of ICT on cities & architecture. Her current research focuses on developing tools for spatial interventions to increase mindfulness at work. She serves as an advisor to International Well Building Institute Research Advisory. Her publication includes “Choose, Create, and Connect: How Telework is Changing Space Around Us” (in Japanese) in Residential and Community Spaces in the Future (これからの住まいとまち), Asakawa-shoten, Tokyo, 2014.

Ph.D. in Architecture and Urban Planning, Kobe University, Japan
Master of Architecture in Urban Design, Harvard University
Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, Kyoto University, Japan

Takaya Kurimoto (Principal Landscape Architect)
Registered Landscape Architect, ASLA

Takaya explores the ways in which Japanese gardens contribute to and become a part of the modern world. He designs residential and small-scale landscape and also works on urban design projects. One of his recent projects was a set of stone gardens for the “Tea Culture of Japan” exhibition held at the Yale Art Gallery in 2009. He started off studying the philosophy and history of Japanese gardens very early in his career at Kyoto University, Japan. He also taught the Eastern Asian landscape at Yale University as a lecturer.

Before joining PED, he was a landscape architect for Towers|Golde and worked on university and commercial projects for nine years. His major works there include the Yale University Pierson & Davenport College Courtyard Renovations (the CT chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award).

Prior to that, he designed landscape for commercial buildings and worked on many community-scale projects at Konoike Construction Co., ltd. in Japan. There, he was a part of the winning design team for the Merit Award in the Okhotsk Townscape Design Competition, and as well as the team that won the JILA Award given for the NTT-CRED Motomachi Area Redevelopments.

Master of Landscape Architecture, Cornell University
Bachelor of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan


河井 容子 (建築担当代表) 一級建築士、学術博士

神戸大学工学部 博士課程修了 (建築・都市計画分野)
ハーバード大学デザイン系大学院 建築学修士 (都市デザイン専攻)
京都大学工学部 建築系学科卒業 (都市景観・居住環境研究室)

1987 – 2000  ㈱鴻池組大阪本店設計部勤務
1992        アグレスト & ガンデルゾナス 事務所勤務
1995 – 2000 平安女子大学、同志社女子大学、摂南大学 非常勤講師
2001 ~      ペンギン・エンヴァイロンメンタル・デザイン 建築担当代表
2008 – 2009 ニューヨーク工科大学特任助教授
2010 ~      イェール大学講師
2016                Mirai Work Place Alliance 共同設立
2021~         IWBI (WEL認証機関)リサーチアドバイザー




栗本貴哉 (ランドスケープ担当代表)
ランドスケープアーキテクト (米国コネチカット州公認1016号)

コーネル大学大学院 ランドスケープアーキテクチャー学修士
京都大学農学部 林学科卒業(造園学研究室)

1990 – 1999     ㈱鴻池組本社勤務
1999 – 2008    タワーズ・ゴールディー事務所(コネチカット州)勤務
2008 ~           ペンギン・エンヴァイロンメンタル・デザイン ランドスケープ担当代表
2011        イェール大学講師(東アジア風景論)
2016                Mirai Work Place Alliance 共同設立


タワーズ・ゴールディにおいては、大学キャンパス、商業施設外構などをデザインし、担当作品にイェール大学ピアソン・ダヴェンポート・カレッジ (コネチカット州ランドスケープアーキテクト協会栄誉賞)、ホッチキススクール寄宿舎(米国グリーンビルディングカウンシル認定プロジェクト)、韓国ソンドー市開発第125区マスタープラン など。 鴻池組での、主な担当作品に、 オホーツクまちづくりデザインコンペ (優秀賞)、 NTTクレド元町再開発 (日本造園学会賞)。



Download the PDF version of our Capability Statement here:


56 Lynmoor Place, Hamden, CT 06517
Ph. (203) 407-1848

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Japanese + Modern
