What Inspires Us – Inside Outside

Young dancers rehearsing on the stage. Inside/Outside Theater at Jacob’s Pillow, MA Inspiration for: Inside/Outside Relationship, Being in Nature, Art and Landscape, Quietness

What Inspires Us – Art of Bamboo

We’d like to start introducing you what inspires us as designers. “The Gate” by Tanabe Chikuunsai IV, currently shown at Metropolitan Museum in New York, as a part of “Japanese Bamboo Art: The Abbey Collection” exhibition 「門」四代目田邊竹雲斎作 Inspiration for: Possibility of Material, Movement, Transparency Here is the Video showing how it is made on site.

Cat’s Eye View of Japanese Architecture vol.4 – Exploring on the Roofs

Japanese townscapes are often referred to as “roofscapes”. When you look at a town from a hill top or a castle, you only see the tiled roofs, either as a mass or as waving lines. But that is not how cats see the roofs. Cats love jumping over gaps and climbing  series of small height differences. Japanese […]

Patterns in Japanese Architecture – Roof Tile

Repetition is not boring. It expands our imagination. This picture tells us so. When you see patterns in Japanese arts and architecture, forms of repeated element are often taken from organic figures such as a branch, a leaf, or a wave.  Each element is simple and clean. When by itself, it is quiet and does not convey much. Yet when it is repeated in […]

Japanese + Modern
